How to add cash on delivery charge in Woocommerce to attract your customer 2024

Cash On Delivery

Are you an entrepreneur looking for a way to Add Cash on Delivery charge in Woocommerce? One of the most sought-after features in Quicker is Add Cash on Delivery fees.

Most of the customers rely on this Cash on Delivery to make delivery transactions safe and secure.In simple terms, In this payment method customers pay for the product directly to the delivery man or vendor while receiving the order by cash or card directly. Almost all countries have this payment method for online shopping. 

In this article we will discuss the importance of cash on delivery payment mode and you can boost your business and increase conversion rate by adding some strategies.

What are the Benefits of Cash on Delivery in Woocommerce?

Cash On Delivery is very popular specially in new business to make better customer relationships and strong customer base. 

Achieve  customer confidence:  

For new store customers won’t get full trust to make the payment. It takes time to get popularity and loyal customers. COD method helps customers to feel secure in their purchase that the company will not take their money without delivering their product.

Attract new customer by COD fees:

COD may help attract new customers who have no experience for placing orders or they don’t have trust for online shopping. You can less COD fees based on their purchase amount and registered membership.

Boost your sales: 

You can set an incentive for the delivery man this strategy will increase the work force of your delivery drivers as well. They will try to make fast and secure delivery thus boost your sales.

Increase your brand reputation:

Customer satisfaction will increase your brand reputation. Many customers don’t have access to online payment methods.They can easily make orders with Cash on Delivery. It will multiply your brand popularity and multiply your sales.

Reduce Online Frauds:

Many customers don’t want to give their personal payment card information to place orders. They choose the Cash on Delivery payment method for online shopping to make secure transactions. So you can choose Cash on delivery in your first choice for your business with competitive COD fees.

How to set the perfect Charge for Delivery?

It is very important to set a competitive delivery charge. Delivery charge depends on many parameters. You should research your competitor, How to calculate charge to attract their customer. How they have set discounts and cart total for reducing delivery charge.You need to consider the important keys to set shipping fees.

  • Distance from store
  • Transport type. Different vehicles have different costs to run.
  • Delivery Time. Day time /  midnight.Normal day / Pick our. Delivery charge can vary due to order time. You can set some extra COD fees on midnight delivery.
  • Special Day. You can set extra fees on delivery in special day
  • Product Type. Food item or Heavy product.

Key Points to Set Cash on Delivery Charge in Woocommerce

This will depend on your store and your products. It is difficult to convert your customers and make them purchase your product.

However there are couple of things keep in mind:

  • Don’t make extra charge it will lose your sales
  • Analysis your competitor how the set shipping charge of their order
  • Add discounts on specific amounts of purchase to the delivery fees
  • Choose a perfect vehicle  to carry order that reduce extra cost 
  • Choosing the best route to reach the order will save time. As time is money
  • Try to make a group of orders in the same place. It will save time and you can deliver more orders in one ride.

How Do I Add Cash On Delivery Fee in WooCommerce?

Cash on delivery charge is the most effective way to convert customers in sales. But Woocommerce By default does not have this feature. Quicker is the powerful plugin that helps you to improve your business in various ways. You can easily add WooCommerce COD fees.

Let’s see how to solve the problem:

  • Go to Quicker=>Settings=>Checkout Fees. Switch on Add Cash On Delivery Charges module.
  • Add “Label” that will show in the frontend and “Charge” thus extra charge will be added to the total amount of the cart.
  •   You can also add delivery charge rules. Add an offer Like delivery charge will be reduced to “X” if cart total amount is equal to or greater than “X”. 

So hurry up! Grab the Plugin to increase your sales in business. By this plugin you will get a lot of useful features such as

  • Instant checkout
  • Multi step checkout
  • Checkout field editor  
  • Time Based Menu

And many more features…

Cash on delivery charge in Woocommerce

Admin settings to add Cash on Delivery fees

Cash on delivery charge in Woocommerce

Cash on Delivery payment method can be beneficial to cash flow for new and small businesses. It will be a game changer if you can add an offer on the delivery charge so that it can add a positive image on customer mind and make it easy to make a decision. So Set up the plugin Quicker, and get a bunch of  exciting features and add WooCommerce COD fees to your store. It’s the perfect match for your store to grow your business and improve customer experience.