Introducing Filter Plus Pro – WordPress and WooCommerce Filter Plugin 2024

Filter Plus Pro, WooCommerce Filter Plugin, Woooplugin

Introducing our very first WordPress and WooComerce Product Filter Plugin called Filter Plus. After working for a couple of months, we are live, and Filter Plus Pro is ready to take your conversion to the next level. There are many filtering plugins, but our “Filter Plus” is a (+)plus plugin that has been built to help grow your sales.

Before the deep dive, let’s explore a simple use case of filtering. What do you do when visiting a website with many products but no filtering option? You simply leave the website without purchasing. If you have a website with a lot of content, it’s very easy for users to lose direction.

Whether it’s a WooCommerce store, blog, or content website, you need to make sure users have the option to filter the products. This is where you need a better WordPress filtering plugin. And this is where Filter Plus will work as your friend.

Improving sales, making it a better user experience, and keeping visitors for a long time—the option to choose the best choice and improve the performance was on our minds while we were planning for this product. And now, we are releasing all the user-requested features regularly.

Filter Plus – Advanced WordPress Filtering Plugin

Filter Plus is another yet better WordPress and WooCommerce filter plugin. It enables the necessary filter option in the store. So that users can find the best content or products while visiting the website. As a token of their better experience, they might become interested in purchasing from the website.

We have started with the free version of Filter Plus. After a month of hard work, the team was capable of releasing the premium version of this plugin. The premium version will unlock more features that the business needs.

Key features of the WordPress Filter plugin

Filter Plus Free and Pro just got released. However, the plugin has released several features already. In this section, let’s explore the current and upcoming features of this plugin.

Current Filtering Features

👉 Filter by Price Range: It enables users to narrow down search results by specifying a minimum and maximum price. This is particularly useful on an eCommerce website, as it simplifies the process of finding products within a specific budget. It enhances the user experience. And it can boost conversion rates by helping visitors discover cost-effective options.

👉 Filter by Ratings: It empowers users to refine search results based on the ratings or reviews of products or content. In eCommerce or review-based websites, this feature is valuable as it allows visitors to filter and see only items that meet their preferred quality standards.

👉 Filter by Attributes: It offers users the ability to fine-tune their search results by specifying particular product attributes or characteristics. This is commonly used in eCommerce websites where products have various specifications. Users can select attributes like color, size, material, or any other relevant feature, and the plugin will display products that match these chosen attributes.

👉 Filter by Tags: The feature allows users to categorize and organize content based on tags. It’s commonly used in blogs and content-heavy websites, helping users find related articles, posts, or items quickly. Users can select a specific tag, and the plugin will show content that has been tagged with that keyword.

👉 Reset Filter Button: It is a handy feature often integrated into filter and search functionalities. It provides users with a quick and convenient way to clear any applied filters or search criteria and revert to the default view. By clicking this button, users can reset their search results to their original state, displaying all available content or products without any filters in place.

👉 Filter by Categories: The feature allows users to sort and display content or products based on predefined categories. Categories are a way to group similar content or items, and this feature enables visitors to focus on specific topics or types of products. Users can select a category from a list, and the plugin will then show only content or products that belong to that chosen category.

👉 Filter by Color: It allows users to refine product search results based on color preferences. Users can choose a specific color from a palette or a list, and the plugin will display only products available in that selected color.

👉 Filter by Size: The feature enables users to narrow down product search results based on size preferences. Users can select a specific size (e.g., small, medium, or large) or measurement (e.g., dimensions) to filter and display only products available in that particular size.

👉 Filter Anything: The feature allows users to filter and refine search results based on a wide range of criteria or attributes. This can include any specific parameters, such as price, color, size, category, tags, ratings, and more, depending on the website’s content or products.

The “Filter Anything” feature provides users with the flexibility to tailor their search to their specific needs and preferences, making it a powerful tool for improving the user experience on websites with diverse content offerings. It enhances usability and engagement by ensuring that visitors can find exactly what they’re looking for within the website’s content or product catalog.

⭐️ WooComerce Filter Elementor Widget: The latest release brings Elementor widgets for adding filtering functionality to your WordPress and WooCommerce sites. So now you can use Filter Plus more easily on your Elementor-based website.

⭐️ WooComerce Filter Gutenberg Block: Gutenberg blocks for filter options are also available now. You can add filters by price, tags, and similar features from the block section while editing the page.

👉 WPML Compatible: Filter Plus is now WPML compatible. So, you can use this plugin on a translateable website. If you have a website in the local language, you can use the Filter Plus WordPress Filter Plugin. If you use WPML on your site, you are now good to use Filter Plus on the site.

👉 RTL Support: If you have any WordPress site that has the right-to-left language, you can use the plugin. Filter Plus is now an RTL-compatible plugin.

Upcoming Filtering Features

At this time, the team is working on multiple big features. And they will be live soon on the plugin. Let’s take a look at the expected list. Moreover, if you have any custom requests, drop us a message, and our team will check the possibility.

🤘 Filter By Stock
🤘 SEO optimize URL
🤘 Clean URLs and Permalinks
🤘 Filter By Custom Post Type

Why do you need Filter Plus?

Choosing a filter plugin depends on the demands of your website. As for the WooCommerce site, you need a product filter plugin. For a content-based site, you need to select a post and page filtering plugin. But the best part of Filter Plus is that it comes with filter everything functionality. You can use this plugin on both WooCommerce and regular websites. What more do you need to keep in mind to select Filter Plus?

Filtering is an essential functionality of eCommerce sites to help users narrow down their search. It helps to find products that meet their specific criteria. There are many filter options you can add with the filtering plugin.

▶️ Grow User Experience: Proper filter setup helps users get content easily. So users keep using the site. It reduces bounce rates and grows sales. So, If your store is powered by WooCommerce, you should add a product filter plugin to your store and start multiplying your sales.

▶️ Highlights Products: You can highlight any products by adding related tags, price ranges, and sale status.  Customers or visitors might find it difficult to find the products or content they want. That is why you need to give them a filter function so that they can filter by tag, category, type, date, etc. to easily find the product or content they want.

▶️ Improve SEO Performance: The product filters will assist users in quickly finding their ideal products. For example, if someone is looking for a formal shirt. They can easily select the product color, size, shirt type (formal), and other options. It also contributes to customer satisfaction, as customers may return to the store for the convenience of shopping. So, ultimately, the filtering option helps improve overall SEO performance for any site.

What’s the specialty of Filter Plus Pro?

As of now, Filter Plus is in its early stages. Still, we have some specialties that you can consider while planning to purchase the pro version of this plugin. Some features come from the plugin, and some of the specialties come from the company.

🚀 On-demanding Features: The features we brought you are demanding. They will power up your website. Filtering by price range, ratings, reset button, and much more will help you get more sales.

🚀 Well Documented: We tried to make our features self-explained so that users do not need different documentation for them. Still, we added dedicated documentation in case someone needs extra information while using the plugin.

🚀 Continuous Development: As the ecosystem changes regularly, so does every product demand update. Keeping this in mind, we regularly update our products. If needed, we add new features, optimize the code base, and update the design.

🚀 Flexible Pricing: We have a fair pricing policy. We let you choose the best license that you need.

🚀 Dedicated Support: Everyone talks about support. But we talk about solving problems. You can access the “Filter Plus” team at any time through live chat, ticket-based support, and social channels. Our team is ready to consider your problem with higher priority. We have been solving most of the issues within the first 24 hours.

How much does Filter Plus cost?

We tried to introduce a very flexible pricing module for our users. So, you can get the license on a yearly or lifetime basis. And under both packages, there are license-based plans. Depending on your business needs, you can choose any of them.

Filter Plus Pricing
Single Site10 Sites50 SitesRefunds Policy
29$/year89$/year149$/year14 days
2 Sites20 Sites100 Sites

The license package comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee. No questions will be asked while issuing the refunds. The price may be updated during the holiday session. Check out the latest Filter Plus pricing here.

The pros and cons of the filtering plugin

Talking about the pros of our plugin. It has many advantages that we already described above. Here are three more advantages we must mention:

🟢 Better Pricing: Compared to current features and upcoming plans, it’s better pricing. You can choose a lifetime plan too, in which you pay once and use unlimited. The LTD package will have all the future updates for free.

🟢 Fast and Speedy: We build the plugin based on advanced code structure. So, no extra file loading and no unnecessary assets will work in the background. Users will get a better experience while setting up filters for price, tags, or similar features.

🟢 Stable Release: While we add a new release, we make sure the new feature is working properly. At the same time, we also test whether the old features are working correctly or not.

As we developed the products, we knew there were some limitations. We want to express ourselves here to keep things transparent.

♨️Limited Features: We release the pro version with a month of free release. However, we are adding new features, and you can see the latest update in the WordPress directory. Also, if you have any confusion, reach out to us via support.

♨️ Minor UI Issue: We are a small professional team building multiple products. So, you might see some issues with the UI design. However, the UX should be fine to use this plugin.

How do I use it effectively?

Think about it from a visitor’s perspective. It’s easy for them to switch to another site rather than search for products or content manually on your site. This is where a Filter Plus product filter plugin adds great value for you. It improves the overall user experience and allows users to see a much shorter product listing.

To get the best utilization of our plugin, make sure you purchase the pro version. We have detailed documentation and a resource blog for you. Soon, we will publish video tutorials on a new YouTube channel. If you need anything, reach us via live chat or contact form.

Introducing Filter Plus Pro, Filter Plugin, Documentation, Woooplugin

Helpful links 👇

⭐️ Check premium features 👉 Filter Plus Pro
⭐️ Need any help? 👉 Contact Us.
⭐️ Check live demo 👉 Filter Plus Sample 1
⭐️ Check live demo 👉 Filter Plus Sample 2
⭐️ Know how it works 👉 Documentation

Filter Plus as an alternative Plugin

We released the Filter Plus plugin to power up your store. As part of the feature, it naturally became one of the best alternatives to the following plugin:

  • YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Alternative: In the filtering category, YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter is one of the most popular plugins, with 90,000+ active users. If you are looking for an alternative to this, then give it a try with the latest release of the Filter Plus plugin.
  • Advanced AJAX Product Filters Alternative: Another popular filtering and shorting plugin is Advanced AJAX Product Filter. The plugin is now helping 60,000+ websites improve the user experience. Filter Plus can be a good alternative to this plugin too.
  • Product Filter by WBW Alternative: The WooCommerce Product Filter plugin is another popular filtering plugin. It comes with Elementor Focus features. Our plugin “Filter Plus” comes with elementor features, so it can be a good alternative to this plugin.
  • Themify – WooCommerce Product Filter Alternative: Themify-WooCommerce product filter plugin has also gained popularity in recent times. They have grown to over 30,000 active installations in the WordPress directory. You can use our Filter Plus as an alternative to this plugin.
  • Filter Everything Alternative: Besides the WooCommerce product filter, if you are looking for a filtering option by post, tags, category, page, or similar taxonomy, then Filter Everything is another good choice for you. As an alternative to this plugin, our Filter Plus can be a good option.

If any tools help you add different filter options to the website, then Filter Plus would be an alternative to the plugin. Filter Plus comes with both WooCommerce filtering and WordPress filtering features.

The final verdict on Filter Plus

If you have a website with lots of content, then you should add a filter option. If you have an eCommerce website, then filtering features seem like a must-have. Filter Plus is ready to multiply your sales with its advanced features. As a new tool, it might have a feature limitation. But we can assure you that you will see rapid development and new features in this plugin.

It would be appreciated if you could share this blog on your favorite social media sites. I hope you got a detailed idea from the Filter Plus introductory blog. Contact us for any assistance you need for your site.